MatX Pro React Material Design Admin Template

13 ratings

MatX Pro is the premium version of Matx React material design admin. It’s a full-featured React Material Design Admin Dashboard template with premium features and support. MatX is built with ReactRedux & Material UI


  • Dashboard

  • JWT authentication

  • Light/Dark themes

  • Material UI components

  • Advanced forms

  • Vertical navigation

  • Horizontal Navigation

  • Lazy Loading

  • Code Splitting

  • SASS integration

  • Sign in

  • Sign up

  • Forgot password

  • Google Map

  • Drag and Drop

  • CSS Utilities

  • Multilevel menu

  • Unlimited Color options

  • Built-in Customizer

  • Charts

    • Echart

    • Rechart

    • React vis

  • CRUD Table

  • Datatable

  • Shop/eCommerce app

  • Scrum Board app

  • Invoice builder app

  • Inbox app

  • Chat app

  • Event Calendar app

  • Todo app

  • User profile

  • Plans & Pricing

  • List (Grid, vertical list)

  • Forgot password

We implemented all the features, components, pages, and ready Apps you might need to start a new Web application. We carefully designed and coded each component, page so that you can build a web application within the shortest time possible.

Matx Pro comes with a large collection of React components that will offer you multiple possibilities to build any kind of Apps. MatX can be used for admin panel, management system, project management, CMS, CRM, Web & mobile application Backend and etc.


  • Added Material UI – Styled api (v5)

  • Added Material UI updated components from MUI@version 5

  • Added React Apex Chart

  • Added @react-google-maps/api (For google map)

  • Added Html-react-parser (to show the HTML Element on the web page)

  • Updated (with the latest version)

  • Updated JWT authentication

  • Updated Drag and Drop

  • Updated Charts

  • Updated Datatable

  • Updated Event Calendar App

  • Removed CSS Utilities (replaced by MUI)

  • Removed SASS Integrigration (replaced by Styled API)

  • Removed Victory chart (Replaced by React Apex Chart)

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MatX Pro React Material Design Admin Template

13 ratings